display pim ipv6 routing-table
Syntax display pim ipv6 routing-table [ ipv6-group-address [ prefix-length ] |
ipv6-source-address [ prefix-length ] | incoming-interface [ interface-type
interface-number | register ] | outgoing-interface { include | exclude | match }
{ interface-type interface-number | register } | mode mode-type | flags flag-value |
fsm ] *
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-group-address: Specifies an IPv6 multicast group by its address, in the range
of FFxy::/16, where x and y represent any hexadecimal number between 0 and F,
ipv6-source-address: Specifies an IPv6 multicast source by its IPv6 address.
prefix-length: Prefix length of the IPv6 multicast group/source address. For an IPv6
multicast group address, the effective range is 8 to 128 and the default value is
128; for an IPv6 multicast source address, the effective range is 0 to 128 and the
default value is 128.
incoming-interface: Displays routing entries that contain the specified interface
as the incoming interface.
interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.
register: Specifies the register interface. This keyword is valid only if mode-type is
not specified or is sm
outgoing-interface: Displays routing entries that contain the specified interface
as the outgoing interface.
include: Displays routing entries of which the outgoing interface list includes the
specified interface.
exclude: Displays routing entries of which the outgoing interface list excludes the
specified interface.
match: Displays routing entries of which the outgoing interface list includes only
the specified interface.
mode mode-type: Specifies an IPv6 PIM mode, where mode-type can have the
following values:
■ dm: Specifies IPv6 PIM-DM.
■ sm: Specifies IPv6 PIM-SM.
■ ssm: Specifies IPv6 PIM-SSM.
flags flag-value: Displays IPv6 PIM routing entries containing the specified flag(s).
The values of flag-value and their meanings are as follows:
■ act: Specifies IPv6 multicast routing entries to which actual data has arrived.