
23: Indicates the subscriber line is created for the ISDN PRI set created on a T1
Description Use the
subscriber line command to enter E1/T1 voice subscriber line view.
Upon creation of a TS group on an E1/T1 interface, the system automatically
creates a logical voice subscriber line numbered in the form of E1/T1 interface
number:TS group number. On the voice subscriber line, you can conveniently
configure signaling and other voice functions for the corresponding E1/T1 line.
Note that on each E1/T1 interface you can create only one TS group.
After you create a PRI set with the pri-set command on an E1/T1 interface, a voice
subscriber line is automatically created. This line is numbered E1
interface-number:15 on an E1 interface and T1 interface-number:23 on a T1
Related command: timeslot-set and pri-set.
Example # Enter the view of voice subscriber line 1/0:15.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] subscriber-line 1/0:15
Syntax tdm-clock { internal | line [ primary ]}
undo tdm-clock
View E1/T1 interface view
Parameter internal: Sets the time division multiplexing (TDM) clock source on the E1/T1
interface to internal crystal oscillator TDM clock. The E1/T1 interface thus obtains
clock from the crystal oscillator on the mainboard. If it fails to do that, the
interface obtains clock from the crystal oscillator on its E1/T1 card. As SIC cards are
not available with crystal oscillator clocks, E1/T1 interfaces on SIC cards can only
obtain clock from the mainboard. The internal clock source is also referred to as
master clock mode in some features.
line: Sets the TDM clock source on the E1/T1 interface to line TDM clock. The
E1/T1 interface thus obtains clock from the remote device through the line. The
line clock source is also referred to as slave clock mode in some features.
line primary: Sets the TDM clock source on the E1/T1 interface to line TDM clock
with priority. The E1/T1 interface thus always attempts to use the line TDM clock
prior to any other clock sources.
Description Use the
tdm-clock command to set the TDM clock source for an E1/T1 interface.