■ As your MAC address entries configuration cannot survive a reboot, save it
after completing the configuration. The dynamic MAC address table entries
however will be lost whether you save the configuration or not.
■ You cannot configure a static or dynamic MAC address entry on an
aggregation port.
Related command: display mac-address.
Example # Add a static entry for MAC address 00e0-fc01-0101 on the interface Ethernet
1/1 with VLAN ID 2.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/1] mac-address static 00e0-fc01-0101 vlan 2
mac-address (system view)
Syntax mac-address { dynamic | static } mac-address interface interface-type
interface-number vlan vlan-id
undo mac-address [{dynamic | static } mac-address interface interface-type
interface-number vlan vlan-id ]
undo mac-address [ blackhole | dynamic | static ] [ mac-address ] vlan vlan-id
undo mac-address [ dynamic | static ] mac-address interface interface-type
interface-number vlan vlan-id
undo mac-address [ dynamic | static ] interface
interface-type interface-number
View System view
Parameter blackhole: Blackhole MAC address entries. These entries do not age but you can
add or remove them. The packets whose destination MAC addresses match
blackhole MAC address entries are dropped.
mac-address: Specifies a MAC address in the format of H-H-H.
vlan vlan-id: Specifies the VLAN where the Ethernet interface belongs. vlan-id is
the specified VLAN ID, in the range 1 to 4094.
dynamic: Dynamic MAC address entries. Aging time is set for these entries.
static: Static MAC address entries. Similar to blackhole MAC address entries,
these entries do not age but you can add or remove them.
interface interface-type interface-number: Outbound interface, with
interface-type interface-number representing the interface type and number.
Description Use the
mac-address command to add or modify a MAC address entry.