
No route redistribution is configured by default.
OSPF prioritize routes as follows:
Intra-area route
Inter-area route
Type1 External route
Type2 External route
An intra-area route is a route in an OSPF area. An inter-area route is between any
two OSPF areas. Both of them are internal routes.
An external route is to a destination outside the OSPF AS.
A Type-1 external route is an IGP route, such as RIP or STATIC, which has high
reliability and whose cost is comparable with the cost of OSPF internal routes.
Therefore, the cost from an OSPF router to a Type-1 external route’s destination
equals the cost from the router to the corresponding ASBR plus the cost from the
ASBR to the external route’s destination.
A Type-2 external route is an EGP route, which has low credibility, so OSPF
considers the cost from ASBR to a Type-2 external route is much bigger than the
cost from the ASBR to an OSPF internal router. Therefore, the cost from an internal
router to a Type-2 external route’s destination equals the cost from the ASBR to
the Type-2 external route’s destination.
Related commands: default-route-advertise (OSPF view).
The import-route command cannot redistribute default routes.
Use the import-route bgp allow-ibgp command with care, because it
redistributes both EBGP and IBGP routes that may cause routing loops.
Examples # Redistribute routes from RIP process 40 and specify the type as type2, tag as 33,
and cost as 50 for redistributed routes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname> ospf 100
[Sysname-ospf-100] import-route rip 40 type 2 tag 33 cost 50
Syntax log-peer-change
undo log-peer-change
View OSPF view
Parameters None