
Parameter None
Description Use the
ip tcp vjcompress command to enable a PPP interface to compress the
VJ TCP header.
Use the
undo ip tcp vjcompress command to disable the PPP interface to
compress the VJ TCP header.
By default, the VJ TCP header compression is disabled on PPP interfaces.
If a PPP interface is enabled to perform VJ TCP header compression, so should the
interface at the opposite end.
Example # Enable VJ TCP header compression on interface Serial 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0
[Sysname-Serial1/0] ip tcp vjcompress
ppp compression iphc
Syntax ppp compression iphc [ nonstandard ]
undo ppp compression iphc
View Interface view
Parameter nonstandard: Nonstandard encapsulation mode.
Description Use the
ppp compression iphc command to enable IP header (TCP header and
RTP header mainly) compression on the interface.
Use the
undo ppp compression iphc command to disable IP header
By default, TCP header compression and RTP header compression are disabled.
Once IP header compression is enabled, the header compression for TCP packets
used to establish RTP sessions is also enabled. When IP header compression is
disabled, the header compression for TCP packets used to establish RTP sessions is
also disabled.
To enable IP header compression, you need to execute the ppp compression iphc
command on both ends of the link.
Note that:
If the configuration is applied on VT and Dialer interfaces, ISDN and
asynchronous dialer interfaces, the configuration takes effect only after you
shutdown and then bring up the interfaces.