
Example # Configure the interval for sending keepalive messages from VAM client to VAM
server to 30 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vam server vpn 1
[Sysname-vam-server-vpn-1] keepalive interval 30
keepalive retry
Syntax keepalive retry retry-times
undo keepalive retry
View VPN domain view
Parameter retry-times: Maximum number of attempts of sending keepalive message from
VAM client. It is in the range 1 to 6.
Description Use the
keepalive retry command to configure the maximum number of
attempts of sending keepalive message from VAM client to VAM server. If the
maximum number of attempts is reached but no response is received by a VAM
client, the VAM client regards that the connection is broken.
Use the
undo keepalive retry command to restore to the default value.
By default, the maximum number of attempts of sending keepalive message from
VAM client is 3.
Note that the VAM server sends this setting in a registration response to its clients.
All clients in a VPN have the same keepalive settings, but if you change the
keepalive settings of the server, the new settings are sent to only clients that
register later; all clients registering before use the old settings.
Related command: vam server vpn, keepalive interval
Example # Configure the maximum number of attempts of sending keepalive message
from VAM client to 5.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] vam server vpn 1
[Sysname-vam-server-vpn-1] keepalive retry 5
pre-shared-key (VPN domain view)
Syntax pre-shared-key { cipher | simple } key-string
undo pre-shared-key
View VPN domain view