
display ip netstream export
Syntax display ip netstream export
View Any view
Parameter None
Description Use the
display ip netstream export command to view statistics about
exported NetStream UDP packets.
Example # Display statistics about NetStream UDP packets.
<Sysname> display ip netstream export
Version 5 IP export information:
Stream source interface: Ethernet1/0
Stream destination IP(UDP): (30000)
Exported stream number: 16
Exported UDP datagram number(failed number): 16(0)
Version 8 AS aggregation information:
Stream source interface: Ethernet1/0
Stream destination IP(UDP): (30000)
Exported stream number: 16
Exported UDP datagram number(failed number): 2(0)
Inactive stream entry Number of inactive NetStream streams
Stream entry been created Number of NetStream cache entries that
have been created
Last statistics reset time This field is displayed only when the reset
ip netstream statistics command;
otherwise, the Last statistics reset time
never field is displayed.
Last statistics reset time never Statistics have never been cleared.
IP packet number of different size Number of NetStream streams
differentiated by packet size
1-80 81-552 553-576 577-612
613-1480 1481-1500 1501-
Packet size range, in bytes. For example,
“1-80” means number of packets in size of
1 to 80 bytes, “1501-” means number of
packets with size exceeding 1500 bytes
Protocol Total Streams Packets /Sec
Stream /Sec Packets /stream Active(sec)
/stream Idle(sec) /stream
Packet statistics differentiated by protocol
type: protocol, total number of streams,
number of packets per second, number of
streams per second, active time for each
stream, inactive time for each stream
DstIP DstP SrcIP SrcP Pro Tos
Interface Pkts
Statistics of the active streams in the
current NetStream cache including
destination address, destination port
number, source address, source port
number, protocol, ToS, interface type, and
number of packets
Table 603 Description on the fields of the display ip netstream cache command
Field Description