Example # Set the active aging timer to 60 minutes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip netstream timeout active 60
ip netstream timeout inactive
Syntax ip netstream timeout inactive seconds
undo ip netstream timeout inactive
View System view
Parameter seconds: Sets the length of the inactive aging timer for NetStream cache entries, in
the range 10 to 600 seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.
Description Use the
ip netstream timeout inactive command to set the inactive aging
timer for NetStream cache entries.
Use the
undo ip netstream timeout inactive command to restore the default.
Related command: ip netstream timeout active.
CAUTION: You can configure the active aging timer and inactive aging timer at the
same time. When either one of them times out, the entry ages out. The time
precision is 10 seconds.
Example # Set the inactive aging timer to 60 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ip netstream timeout inactive 60
reset ip netstream statistics
Syntax reset ip netstream statistics
View User view
Parameter None
Description Use the
reset ip netstream statistics command to age and export all stream
statistics to clear the NetStream cache. The stream statistics are recounted when
they age out.
Example # Age and export all stream statistics to clear the NetStream cache.
<Sysname> reset ip netstream statistics