
Description Use the service vbr-rt command to set the service type of PVC to Variable Bit
Rate - Real Time (VBR-RT) and specify the related rate parameters in the PVC view.
By default, the service type is UBR after creating a PVC.
You can use this command as well as the service ubr, service cbr and service
vbr-nrt commands to set the service type and rate-related parameters of a PVC. A
newly configured PVC service type overwrites the existing one. This command is
not applicable to ATM E1 interfaces.
Related command: service vbr-nrt, service ubr, and service cbr.
Example # Create a PVC named “aa” with the VPI/VCI value of 1/101.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface atm 1/0
[Sysname-Atm1/0] pvc aa 1/101
# Specify the service type of the PVC as VBR-RT and set the peak cell rate of ATM
to 100,000 kbps, the sustainable cell rate to 50,000 kbps, and the maximum burst
size to 320 cells.
[Sysname-atm-pvc-Atm1/0-1/101-aa] service vbr-rt 100000 50000 320
Syntax shutdown
undo shutdown
View ATM interface view
Parameters None
Description Use the
shutdown command to shut down an ATM interface.
Use the undo shutdown command to bring up an ATM interface.
By default, an ATM interface is up.
Examples # Shut down ATM 5/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] shutdown
# Bring up ATM 5/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Atm 5/0
[Sysname-Atm5/0] undo shutdown