SPF—PRC:Received L sysLevel System Change
Event for msgString, Change = chgEvent
SpfNode change was sent to PRC for
sysLevel: system level
msgString: Node change event type.
SPF—PRC:Inform L sysLevel Change to Area
and Route, Total Change Node:totalNum
Inform system ID changes to the area address
and route update module
sysLevel: system level
totalNum: total node changes
ISIS—procId—AREA Area address-related information and
ATT-related information
procId: IS-IS process ID.
RT Calculation: Elapsed time: millSeconds
Route calculation time elapsed in milliseconds
ISIS—procId—DEC—PRC Information of PRC route updates
DEC—PRC :Processing L sysLevel LSPs of
System : sourceId, Change Type = chgType
Processing the LSPs of the changed system
sysLevel: system level
sourceId: source system ID
chgType: change type
Table 258 Description on the fields of the debugging isis spf-summary command
Field Description
FWDB-LIMIT::Need to Process ISIS
MaxRouteLimit Resume.
Restore the maximum routes in the route
table in the case that the route table is not
Table 259 Description on the fields of the debugging isis spf-timer command
Field Description
SPF-TRIG: SPF Scheduled Event (before):
trigEvent, Run Level: levelType.
SPF schedule starts. Triggered event and run
level are displayed.
levelType: Run level of SPF calculation
Table 260 Description on the fields of the debugging isis traffic-eng { advertisement |
event } command
Field Description
Received Extended IS Reach information from
An LSP with the TLV of an extended reachable
address was received.
TE: Get TE Info for Circuit %s Failed in Circ
Tunnel interface has been disabled; therefore,
getting tunnel interface information failed.
TE: Add If Te info failed Adding TE interface information failed.
TE: Rm Traffic Engineering change status to
RM TE status changes to “enabled”.
TE: ISIS Update Te LinkInfo In Local TeDb. ISIS updates TE link information in the local TE
Table 257 Description on the fields of the debugging isis spf-event command
Field Description