Each time a device on the network receives a LeaveAll message, it resets its leaveall
timer. Therefore, a GARP application entity may send LeaveAll messages at the
interval set by its leaveall timer or the leaveall timer on another device on the
network, whichever is smaller.
Related command: display garp timer.
Example # Set the leaveall timer to 100 centiseconds, assuming that the leave timer is 60
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] garp timer leaveall 100
reset garp statistics
Syntax reset garp statistics [ interface interface-list ]
View User view
Parameter interface interface-list: Specifies an Ethernet port list, in the format of
{ interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ] }&<1-10>,
where &<1-10> indicates that you can specify up to 10 port ranges. A port range
defined without the to interface-type interface-number portion comprises only
one port.
Description Use the
reset garp statistics command to clear GARP statistics of the specified
or all ports.
Note that:
■ If the interface interface-list keyword-argument combination is not specified,
this command clears the GARP statistics of all the ports.
■ If the interface interface-list keyword-argument combination is specified, this
command clears the GARP statistics of the specified ports.
Related command: display gvrp statistics.
Example # Clear statistics about GARP on all ports.
<Sysname> reset garp statistics