display pim ipv6 rp-info
Syntax display pim ipv6 rp-info [ ipv6-group-address ]
View Any view
Parameter ipv6-group-address: Specifies an IPv6 multicast group by its address, in the range
of FFxy::/16 (excluding FFx0::/16, FFx1::/16, FFx2::/16 and FF0y::), where x and y
represent any hexadecimal number between 0 and F, inclusive. If you do not
provide a group address, this command will display the RP information
corresponding to all IPv6 multicast groups.
Description Use the
display pim ipv6 rp-info command to view the RP information.
Note that:
■ The RP information includes the information of RPs dynamically found by the
BSR mechanism and static RPs.
■ Because a non-BSR router refreshes its local RP-Set only based on the received
BSR bootstrap messages, the system does not delete an RP even if its expiry
time is 0. Instead, the system waits for the next bootstrap message from the
BSR: if the bootstrap message does not contain information of the RP, the
system will delete it.
Example # View the RP information corresponding to the IPv6 multicast group FF0E::101.
<Sysname> display pim ipv6 rp-info ff0e::101
PIM-SM BSR RP information:
prefix/prefix length: FF0E::101/64
RP: 2004::2
Priority: 0
HoldTime: 130
Uptime: 00:05:19
Expires: 00:02:11
RPF prime neighbor RPF neighbor of the (S, G) or (*, G) entry
■ For a (*, G) entry, if this router is the RP, the RPF neighbor
of this (*, G) entry is NULL.
■ For a (S, G) entry, if this router directly connects to the IPv6
multicast source, the RPF neighbor of this (S, G) entry is
Downstream interface(s)
Information of the downstream interface(s), including:
■ Number of downstream interfaces
■ Downstream interface name
■ Protocol type configured on the downstream interface
■ Uptime of the downstream interface(s)
■ Expiry time of the downstream interface(s)
Table 361 Description on the fields of the display pim ipv6 routing-table command
Field Description