Description Use the redirect refuse-negotiation command to disable Telnet option
negotiation when establishing redirected Telnet connection.
Use the
undo redirect refuse-negotiation command to enable Telnet option
negotiation when establishing redirected Telnet connection.
By default, Telnet option negotiation is enabled.
■ The redirect commands are supported on the AUX and TTY user interfaces
■ Execute the command after using the redirect enable command to enable
redirection on the user interface.
Example # Disable Telnet option negotiation when establishing redirected Telnet
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface tty 1
[Sysname-ui-tty1] redirect refuse-negotiation
redirect return-deal from-telnet
Syntax redirect return-deal from-telnet
undo redirect return-deal from-telnet
View User interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
redirect return-deal from-telnet command to let the device that
redirects Telnet connection process the carriage returns received from the Telnet
client meaning to substitute 0x0d for 0x0d 0x0a and 0x0d 0x00.
Use the
undo redirect return-deal from-telnet command to restore the
By default, carriage returns are not processed.
■ The redirect commands are supported on the AUX and TTY user interfaces
■ Execute the command after using the redirect enable command to enable
redirection on the user interface.
Example # Enable the device that redirects Telnet connection to process the carriage returns
received from the Telnet client.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface tty 1
[Sysname-ui-tty1] redirect return-deal from-telnet