Work mode is T1 framed, Cable type is 100 Ohm balanced.
Frame-format is esf, fdl is none, Line code is b8zs.
Source clock is slave, Data-coding is normal.
Idle code is ff, Itf type is ff, Itf number is 2.
Loop back is not set.
Alarm State:
Receiver alarm state is Loss-of-Signal.
Transmitter is sending remote alarm.
Pulse density violation detected.
SendLoopCode History:
inband-llb-up:0 times, inband-llb-down:0 times.
fdl-ansi-llb-up:0 times, fdl-ansi-llb-down:0 times.
fdl-ansi-plb-up:0 times, fdl-ansi-plb-down:0 times.
BERT state:(stopped, not completed)
Test pattern: 2^15, Status: Not Sync, Sync Detected: 0
Time: 0 minute(s), Time past: 0 minute(s)
Bit Errors (since test started): 0 bits
Bits Received (since test started): 0 Kbits
Bit Errors (since latest sync): 0 bits
Bits Received (since latest sync): 0 Kbits
Historical Statistics:
Last clearing of counters: Never
Data in current interval (285 seconds elapsed):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Ais Alarm Secs, 286 Los Alarm Secs
7 Slip Secs, 286 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 286 Unavail Secs
Data in Interval 1:
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Ais Alarm Secs, 901 Los Alarm Secs
22 Slip Secs, 901 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 901 Unavail Secs
Data in Interval 2:
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Ais Alarm Secs, 900 Los Alarm Secs
23 Slip Secs, 900 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 900 Unavail Secs
Total Data (last 2 15 minute intervals):
0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
0 Ais Alarm Secs, 2087 Los Alarm Secs
52 Slip Secs, 2087 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 2087 Unavail Secs
Table 18 Description on the fields of the display controller t1 command
Field Description
T1 2/0/0 current state Physical state of the interface: up or down
Description Description about the T1 interface
Basic Configuration Basic configurations of the interface
Work mode Operating mode of the T1 interface, T1 framed in this
Cable type Cable type of the T1 interface, 100 ohm balanced in this
Frame-format Frame format configured on the T1 interface: ESF or SF
fdl FDL format: ANSI, ATT, or none
Line code Line code: AMI or B8ZS
Source clock Source clock used by the interface: master for the internal
clock or slave for the line clock
Data-coding Normal or inverted
Idle code 0x7E or 0xFF
Itf type Type of interframe filling tag: 0x7E or 0xFF