■ The redirect commands are supported on the AUX and TTY user interfaces
■ Execute the command after using the redirect enable command to enable
redirection on the user interface.
Example # Set the idle timeout for the redirected telnet connection to 200 seconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface tty 1
[Sysname-ui-tty1] redirect timeout 200
Syntax screen-length screen-length
undo screen-length
View User interface view
Parameter screen-length: Number of lines displayed on the next screen, in the range 0 to
512, with zero meaning to display all information at one time, that is, to disable
multiple-screen output.
Description Use the
screen-length command to set the number of lines displayed on the
next screen.
Use the
undo screen-length command to restore the default, or 24 lines.
Multiple-screen output is supported on the device. If you press <Space> when
information display pauses, the system continues to display information of the
next screen page. This command sets the number of lines displayed on the next
screen, the displayed number of lines on the terminal, however, is decided by the
specifications of the terminal. For example, you set the value of screen-length to
40, but the terminal can only display 24 lines. In this case, if you press <Space>
when the device outputs 1 to 40 lines of information to the terminal, the current
screen displays only the information from line 18 to 40. To view the first 17 lines of
information, you need to press <Page Up> or <Page Down>.
Example # Set the number of lines on the Console user interface to 30.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface console 0
[Sysname-ui-console0] screen-length 30
Syntax send { all | num1 | { aux | console | tty | vty } num2 }
View User view