substitute (voice dial program view)
Syntax substitute { incoming-call | outgoing-call } { called | calling } list-number
undo substitute { incoming-call | outgoing-call } { called | calling } { list-number |
all }
View Voice dial program view
Parameter incoming-call: Binds the calling/called number of incoming calls to the number
substitution rule list.
outgoing-call: Binds the calling/called number of outgoing calls to the number
substitution rule list.
called: Applies the number substitution rule to a called number.
calling: Applies the number substitution rule to a calling number.
all: Specifies all number substitution rule lists.
list-number: Serial number of a number substitution rule list configured by using
the number-substitute command), in the range of 1 to 2147483647.
Description Use the
substitute command to bind the calling/called number of
incoming/outgoing calls to the specified number substitution rule list.
Use the
undo substitute incoming-call command to remove the binding.
By default, no number substitution rule list is bound. That is to say, no number
substitution is performed.
You should follow these rules when using this command:
■ At most 32 number substitution rule lists can be bound.
■ The system does not stop searching the bound number substitution rule lists in
sequence until one rule is applied successfully.
Related command: number-substitute and rule.
Outgoing and incoming calls are relative to the IP network. Calls originated to the
IP network are incoming calls, while those originated from the IP network or PSTN
to PSTN are outgoing calls.
Example # Apply number substitution rule list 5 to called numbers of incoming calls.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] dial-program
[Sysname-voice-dial] substitute incoming-call called 5