View POTS entity view
Parameter string: Prefix code, a character string consisting of up to 31 characters that can
include 0 through 9, #, and *. Table 686 describes these characters:
Description Use the
dial-prefix command to configure a dial prefix for a voice entity.
Use the undo dial-prefix command to remove the configured prefix.
By default, no dial prefix is configured.
The configuration of the PBX connected to the originating router determines
whether a two-stage dialing tone is played or not.
When a voice router receives a voice call, it will compare the numbers in the
match-templates of its own POTS entities with the received called number and
select one POTS entity to process the call. If a prefix is configured, the voice router
will send the prefix and dialed number together through the FXO interface. For
details about number sending, refer to “send-number” on page 2642.
When the number with a prefix exceeds 31 digits, only the first 31 digits are sent.
Related command: match-template on page 2599 and send-number.
Example # Specify 0 as a prefix.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] dial-program
[Sysname-voice-dial] entity 3 pots
[Sysname-voice-dial-entity3] dial-prefix 0
display voice number-substitute
Syntax display voice number-substitute [ list-tag ]
View Any view
Parameter list-tag: Serial number of a number substitution rule list, in the range of 1 to
Description Use the
display voice number-substitute command to display the
configuration information of a number substitution rule list.
Table 686 Description of characters in the string argument
Character Meaning
0-9 Digits 0 through 9.
, One comma represents a pause of 500 milliseconds and it can be positioned
anywhere in a number.
# and * Indicates a valid digit each.