[Sysname-Cpos1/0] quit
[Sysname] interface serial 1/0/63:1
e1 set clock
Syntax e1 e1-number set clock { master | slave }
undo e1 e1-number set clock
View CPOS interface view
Parameter e1-number: Number of an E1 channel on the CPOS interface, in the range 1 to 63.
master: Sets the clock mode of the E1 channel to master.
slave: Sets the clock mode of the E1 channel to slave.
Description Use the
e1 set clock command to set the clock mode of the E1 channel.
Use the undo e1 set clock command to restore the default, that is, slave.
E1 channels on the same CPOS physical interface can use different clock modes,
depending on connected devices. For example, when connected to a SONET/SDH
device, an E1 channel should use the slave clock mode, and when directly
connected to another device with fiber-optic, it can use either mode so long as the
mode is different from the one used at the opposite end.
Note that different E1 channels of the same CPOS physical interface are
independent of one another in terms of clock mode.
Example # Set the clock mode of E1 channel 1 to master.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller cpos 1/0
[Sysname-Cpos1/0] e1 1 set clock master
e1 set frame-format
Syntax e1 e1-number set frame-format { crc4 | no-crc4 }
undo e1 e1-number set frame-format
View CPOS interface view
Parameter e1-number: Number of an E1 channel on the CPOS interface, in the range 1 to 63.
crc4: Sets the framing format to CRC4.
no-crc4: Sets the framing format to no-CRC4.