
Matched 146754 packets(10272780 bytes), Wrong If 0 packets
Forwarded 139571 packets(9769970 bytes)
display multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit
Syntax display multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit [ interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Table 346 Description on the fields of the display multicast ipv6 forwarding-table
Field Description
00001 Sequence number if the (S, G) entry
(2000:5::1:1000, FF1E::1234) (S, G) entry in the IPv6 multicast forwarding table
MID (S, G) entry ID. Each (S, G) entry has a unique MID
Flags Current state of a (S, G) entry. Different bits are used to
indicate different states of the (S, G) entry. For the values
and meanings of this field, see Table 347.
Uptime Length of time the (S, G) entry has been up
Timeout in Length of time in which the (S, G) entry will time out
Incoming interface Incoming interface of a (S, G) entry
List of 1 outgoing interfaces:
1: Ethernet1/1
1 outgoing interface list:
Sequence number of outgoing interface: outgoing
interface type and number
Matched 146754
packets(10272780 bytes), Wrong
If 0 packets
Number of matched packets (number of bytes), number
of packets with incoming interface errors
Forwarded 139571
packets(9769970 bytes)
Number of forwarded IPv6 multicast packets (number of
Table 347 Values and meanings of the Flags field
Value Meaning
0x00000001 Indicates that a register-stop message needs to be sent.
0x00000002 Indicates whether the IPv6 multicast source corresponding to the (S,
G) entry is active.
0x00000004 Indicates a null forwarding entry.
0x00000008 Indicates whether the RP is a border router in an IPv6 PIM domain.
0x00000010 Indicates a register outgoing interface is available
0x00000400 Indicates an entry to be deleted
0x00008000 Indicates that the (S, G) entry is in smoothening process after
active/standby switchover
0x00010000 Indicates that the (S, G) entry has been updated during the
smoothening process.
0x00080000 Indicates that the (S, G) entry has been repeatedly updated and
need to be deleted before adding a new entry is added.
0x00100000 Indicates that a (S, G) entry is added successfully