A confirmation is required when you carry out this command. If you fail to make a
confirmation within 30 seconds or enter “N” to cancel the operation, the
command will not be carried out.
Example # Clear the 16-bit index saved but not used in the current system.
<Sysname> reset unused porttag
Current operation will delete all unused port tag(s). Continue? [Y/N]:y
schedule reboot at
Syntax schedule reboot at hh:mm [ date ]
undo schedule reboot
View User view
Parameter hh:mm: Reboot time of a device, in the format of hh:mm (hours:minutes). The
value of the hh argument ranges of is 0 to 23, and the value of the mm argument
ranges from 0 to 59.
date: Reboot date of a device, in the format mm/dd/yyyy (Month/day/year) or in
the format yyyy/mm/dd (year/month/day) The yyyy value ranges from 2000 to
2035, the mm value ranges from 1 to 12, and the dd value depends on a specific
Description Use the
schedule reboot at command to enable the scheduled reboot function
and specify a specific reboot time and date.
Use the
undo schedule reboot command to disable the scheduled reboot
By default, the scheduled reboot function is disabled.
There are two cases if no specific reboot date is specified:
■ When the specified reboot time is later than the current time, the device will be
rebooted at the reboot time of the current day.
■ When the specified reboot time is earlier than the current time, the device will
be rebooted at the reboot time the next day.
■ If you are performing file operations when the device is to be rebooted, the
system does not execute the command for the sake of security.
Note that:
■ The precision of the device timer is 1 minute. One minute before the reboot
time, the device will prompt “REBOOT IN ONE MINUTE” and will be rebooted
in one minute.
■ The difference between the reboot date and the current date cannot exceed 30
x 24 hours (namely, 30 days).