
View POS interface view
Parameter None
Description Use the
scramble command to enable payload scrambling on the POS interface.
Use the
undo scramble command to disable payload scrambling.
By default, payload scrambling is enabled.
You may configure payload scrambling to prevent the presence of excessive
consecutive 1s or 0s to facilitate line clock signal extraction at the receiving end.
Only when POS interfaces on both ends are enabled with payload scrambling can
they be connected successfully.
Example # Enable payload scrambling on interface POS 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface pos 1/0
Syntax threshold { sd | sf } value
undo threshold { sd | sf }
View POS interface view
Parameter value: Integer in the range 3 to 9.
Description Use the
threshold command to set the SD (signal degrade) threshold or SF (signal
fail) threshold for a POS interface.
Use the
undo threshold command to restore the default.
If you execute the threshold command with the value argument set to X, the
value of the threshold specified can be obtained using this expression: 10e-X.
By default, SD threshold is 10e-6 (that is, X is 6), and SF threshold is 10e-3 (that is,
X is 3).
SD and SF alarms are used to indicate the current line performance. The bit error
rate threshold of SF is higher than that of SD, meaning when small amount of
errors occurs, SD alarms are generated; while when error rate is increased to a
certain degree, SF alarms are generated, indicating the line performance is
degrading seriously.
Note that SD threshold should be smaller than SF threshold.
Currently, this command is not supported.