Default values will not be displayed.
Related commands: qos cq, qos cql default-queue, qos cql inbound-interface, qos cql protocol,
qos cql queue, qos cql queue serving.
Examples # Display information about a CQL.
<Sysname> display qos cql
Current CQL Configuration:
List Queue Params
2 3 Protocol ip fragments
3 0 Length 100
3 1 Inbound-interface Ethernet0
qos cq
Syntax qos cq cql cql-index
undo qos cq
View Interface view
Parameters cql-index: CQL index, in the range 1 to 16.
Description Use the
qos cq command to apply the customized queue to an interface.
Use the undo qos cq command to restore the congestion management policy at
the interface to FIFO.
By default, the congestion management policy at the interfaces is FIFO.
Except for interfaces encapsulated with X.25, all physical interfaces can use CQ.
One interface can only use one group of customized queues.
This command can configure multiple classification rules for each group in the
CQL. During traffic classification, the system matches packets along the rule link. If
matching a certain rule, a packet will be classified into the corresponding priority
queue specified by this rule. If not matching any rule, it will go to the default
priority queue.
Related commands: qos cql default-queue, qos cql inbound-interface, qos cql protocol, qos cql
queue serving, qos cql queue queue-length.
Examples # Apply the CQ 5 on the Ethernet 1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface Ethernet1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] qos cq cql 5