fr iphc
Syntax fr iphc { nonstandard | rtp-connections number1 | tcp-connections number2 |
tcp-include }
undo fr iphc { nonstandard | rtp-connections | tcp-connections | tcp-include }
View Frame relay interface view, MFR interface view
Parameter nonstandard: Nonstandard compatible compression format.
rtp-connections number1: The number of RTP compression connections, in the
range 3 to 1000. By default, the number of RTP compression connections is 16.
tcp-connections number2: The number of TCP compression connections, in the
range 3 to 256. By default, the number of TCP compression connections is 16.
tcp-include: Includes TCP header compression when performing RTP
Description Use the
fr iphc command to enable IP header compression function, including
RTP/TCP header compression.
Use the
undo fr iphc { nonstandard | tcp-include } command to disable this
Use the
undo fr iphc { rtp-connections | tcp-connections } command to
restore the default compression connection numbers of RTP and TCP.
By default, number1 and number2 are 16.
Related command: fr map ip, fr compression iphc.
Example # Configure the number of RTP compression connections as 200 on the frame
relay Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] fr iphc rtp-connections 200
fr lmi n391dte
Syntax fr lmi n391dte n391-value
undo fr lmi n391dte
View Interface view
Parameter n391-value: The value of counter N391, ranges from 1 to 255.