
View ISP domain view
Parameter radius-scheme radius-scheme-name: Specifies a RADIUS scheme by its name,
which is a string of 1 to 32 characters.
Description Use the
authorization voip command to specify the authorization scheme for
VoIP users.
Use the
undo authorization voip command to restore the default.
By default, the default authorization scheme configured is used for VoIP users.
Note that:
The RADIUS scheme specified for the current ISP domain must have been
You must have created a RADIUS scheme before using the authorization voip
The scheme specified in this command must be the same with authentication
scheme, otherwise authorization will fail.
To implement authorization, you must enable the authorization function and
meanwhile have the authorization scheme configured.
Related command: domain, radius scheme
Example # In the default ISP domain system, configure the RADIUS authorization scheme
for voice users to rd.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] domain system
[Sysname-isp-system] authorization voip radius-scheme rd
cut connection
Syntax cut connection { access-type { dot1x | mac-authentication | portal } | all | domain
isp-name | interface interface-type interface-number | ip ip-address | mac mac-address
| ucibindex ucib-index | user-name user-name | vlan vlan-id }
View System view
Parameter access-type: Specifies user connections of an access mode.
dot1x: Specifies 802.1x authentication user connections.
mac-authentication: Specifies MAC authentication user connections.
portal: Specifies portal authentication user connections.
all: Specifies all user connections.