undo mandatory-lcp
View L2TP group view
Parameter None
Description Use the
mandatory-lcp command to force an LNS to perform LCP negotiation
with users.
Use the
undo mandatory-lcp command to disable the LCP negotiation.
By default, an LNS does not perform LCP negotiation with users.
When starting a PPP session, a client of NAS-initialized VPN will first negotiate with
the network access server (NAS) for LCP parameters. If the negotiation succeeds,
the NAS initializes a tunnel and then transfers the negotiated results to the LNS.
Then the LNS verifies whether the client is valid depending on the proxy
authentication information. You can use the mandatory-lcp command to force
the LNS to perform LCP re-negotiation for the client. But the proxy authentication
information of the NAS may be neglected. Some PPP clients may not support LCP
re-negotiation. In this case, the LCP re-negotiation will fail.
Related command: mandatory-chap.
Example # Perform LCP negotiation by force.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] l2tp-group 1
[Sysname-l2tp1] mandatory-lcp
reset l2tp tunnel
Syntax reset l2tp tunnel { remote-name | tunnel-id }
View User view
Parameter remote-name: Name of the tunnel at the remote end.
tunnel-id: Local ID of the tunnel, in the range of 1 to 8191.
Description Use the
reset l2tp tunnel command to disconnect one or more specified tunnels
and all sessions of the tunnels.
Note that:
■ A tunnel disconnected by force can be re-established when a client makes a
■ If you specify a tunnel name, all tunnels with the name, if any, will be
disconnected. If no tunnel with the name exists, nothing happens.
■ If you specify a tunnel ID, only the tunnel with the ID is disconnected.