internal: Resets all the IBGP connections.
Description Use the
reset bgp ipv6 command to reset specified IPv4/IPv6 BGP connections.
Examples # Reset all the IPv6 BGP connections.
<Sysname> reset bgp ipv6 all
reset bgp ipv6 dampening
Syntax reset bgp ipv6 dampening [ ipv6-address prefix-length ]
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Parameters ipv6-address: IPv6 address
prefix-length: Prefix length of the address, in the range 0 to 128.
Description Use the
reset bgp ipv6 dampening command to clear route dampening
information and release suppressed routes.
If no ipv6-address prefix-length is specified, all IPv6 route dampening information
will be cleared.
Examples # Clear the damping information of routes to 2345::/64 and release suppressed
<Sysname> reset bgp ipv6 dampening 2345:: 64
reset bgp ipv6 flap-info
Syntax reset bgp ipv6 flap-info [ ipv6-address/prefix-length | regexp as-path-regexp |
as-path-acl as-path-acl-number ]
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Parameters ipv6-address: Clears the flap statistics for the specified IPv6 address.
prefix-length: Prefix length of the address, in the range 1 to 128.
as-path-regexp: Clears the flap statistics for routes matching the AS path regular
as-path-acl-number: Clears the flap statistics for routes matching the AS path
ACL. The number is in the range 1 to 256.
Description Use the
reset bgp ipv6 flap-info command to clear IPv6 routing flap statistics.
If no parameters are specified, the flap statistics of all the routes will be cleared