tag: Specifies an administrative tag number for the redistributed routes, in the
range of 1 to 4294967295.
allow-ibgp: Allows redistributing IBGP routes. This keyword is optional when the
protocol is bgp4+.
Description Use the
ipv6 import-route command to enable IPv6 IS-IS to redistribute routes
from another routing protocol.
Use the
undo ipv6 import-route command to disable route redistribution.
Route redistribution is disabled by default.
If no level is specified, the routes are imported to Level-2 routing table by default.
IPv6 IS-IS considers redistributed routes as routes to destinations outside the local
routing domain.
You can specify a cost and a level for redistributed routes.
CAUTION: Using the import-route bgp4+ allow-ibgp command will
redistribute both EBGP and IBGP routes. The redistributed IBGP routes may cause
routing loops. Therefore, be cautious with this command.
Examples # Configure IPv6-IS-IS to redistribute static routes and sets the cost 15 for them.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] isis
[Sysname-isis-1]ipv6 import-route static cost 15
ipv6 import-route isisv6 level-2 into level-1
Syntax ipv6 import-route isisv6 level-2 into level-1 [ filter-policy { acl6-number |
ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name | route-policy route-policy-name } | tag tag ]*
undo ipv6 import-route isisv6 level-2 into level-1
View IS-IS view
Parameters acl6-number: Number of a basic or advanced ACL6 used to filter routes when they
are leaking from Level-2 to Level-1, ranging from 2000 to 3999.
ipv6-prefix-name: Name of an IPv6 prefix list used to filter routes when they are
leaking from Level-2 to Level-1, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
route-policy-name: Name of a routing policy used to filter routes when they are
leaking from Level-2 to Level-1, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
tag: Specifies an administrative tag number for the leaked routes, in the range of 1
to 4294967295.