
If a queue is full, any newly incoming packet will be dropped.
Related commands: qos cql default-queue, qos cql inbound-interface, qos pql protocol, qos cql
queue serving, qos cq.
Examples # Specify the maximum packets in the queue 4 in CQL 5 to 40.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] qoc cql 5 queue 4 queue-length 40
qos cql queue serving
Syntax qos cql cql-index queue queue-number serving byte-count
undo qos cql cql-index queue queue-number serving
View System view
Parameters cql-index: CQL index, in the range 1 to 16.
queue-number: Queue number, in the range 0 to 16.
byte-count: Number of bytes in packets that the given queue sends in each poll, in
the range 1 to 16,777,215 bytes. The default setting is 1500 bytes.
Description Use the
qos cql queue serving command to set the byte-count of the packets
sent from a given queue in each poll.
Use the
undo qos cql queue serving command to restore the byte-count of
sent packets to the default value.
By default, byte-count is 1500.
Related commands: qos cql default-queue, qos cql inbound-interface, qos pql protocol, qos cql
queue queue-length, qos cq.
Examples # Specify byte-count of queue 2 in the CQL 5 to 1400.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] qos cql 5 queue 2 serving 1400