mark: Mark parity check.
none: No parity check.
odd: Odd parity check.
space: Space parity check.
Description Use the
parity command to set the check bit of the user interface.
Use the
undo parity command to restore the default, or none.
The command is only applicable to asynchronous serial interfaces including AUX
and Console ports.
Example # Perform odd parity check on the AUX interface.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] user-interface aux 0
[Sysname-ui-aux0] parity odd
protocol inbound
Syntax protocol inbound { all | pad | ssh | telnet }
View VTY interface view
Parameter all: Supports all the protocols, including Telnet, SSH and PAD.
pad: Supports PAD only.
ssh: Supports SSH only.
telnet: Supports Telnet only.
Description Use the
protocol inbound command to enable the current user interface to
support either Telnet, PAD, SSH, or all of them.
By default, all the protocols are supported.
The configuration takes effect next time you log in.
CAUTION: If SSH is configured, you must set the authentication mode to scheme
using the authentication-mode scheme command to guarantee a successful
login. The protocol inbound ssh command fails if the authentication mode is
password or none. Related command: authentication-mode.
By default, the authentication mode of the Telnet protocol is password.
Example # Enable the VTYs 0 through 4 to support SSH only.