
dampening (IPv6 address family view)
Syntax dampening [ half-life-reachable half-life-unreachable reuse suppress ceiling |
route-policy route-policy-name ] *
undo dampening
View IPv6 address family view
Parameters half-life-reachable: Specifies the half-life for active routes, in the range 1 to 45
minutes. By default, the value is 15 minutes.
half-life-unreachable: Specifies the half-life for active routes, in the range 1 to 45
minutes. By default, the value is 15 minutes.
reuse: Specifies the reuse threshold value for suppressed routes, in the range 1 to
20000. Penalty value of a suppressed route decreasing under the value is reused.
By default, its value is 750.
suppress: Specifies a suppression threshold from 1 to 20000, which should be
bigger than the reuse value. Routes with a penalty value bigger than the threshold
are suppressed. By default, it is 2000.
ceiling: Specifies a ceiling penalty value from 1001 to 20000. The value must be
bigger than the suppress value. By default, the value is 16000.
route-policy-name: Routing policy name, a string of 1 to 19 characters.
half-life-reachable, half-life-unreachable, reuse, suppress and ceiling are mutually
dependent. Once any one is configured, all the others should also be specified
Description Use the
dampening command to enable IPv6 BGP route dampening or/and
configure dampening parameters.
Use the
undo dampening command to disable route dampening.
By default, no route dampening is configured.
Related commands: reset bgp ipv6 dampening, reset bgp ipv6 flap-info, display bgp ipv6
routing-table dampened, display bgp ipv6 routing-table dampening
parameter and display bgp ipv6 routing-table flap-info.
Examples # Enable IPv6 BGP route dampening and configure route dampening parameters.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] ipv6-family
[Sysname-bgp-af-ipv6] dampening 10 10 1000 2000 3000