Syntax crc { 16 | 32 | none }
undo crc
View Synchronous serial interface view
Parameter 16: Adopts 16-bit CRC.
32: Adopts 32-bit CRC.
none: Disables CRC.
Description Use the
crc command to configure CRC mode for an E1-F interface.
Use the undo crc command to restore the default, that is, 16-bit CRC.
Example # Adopt 32-bit CRC on E1-F interface Serial 2/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 2/0
[Sysname-Serial2/0] crc 32
display fe1
Syntax display fe1 [ serial interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter serial interface-number: Specifies a serial interface. If no interface is specified,
information on all the E1-F interfaces is displayed.
Description Use the
display fe1 serial command to display the configuration and state
information about the specified or all E1-F interfaces.
If the specified interface is a common serial interface rather than an E1-F interface,
the system will display the prompt.
Example # Display the information about an E1-F interface.