Examples # Configure DHCP server on the device, and enable all types of debugging for
DHCP server. The DHCP client applies for IP address from the DHCP sever via a
DHCP relay agent.
<Sysname> terminal debugging
<Sysname> debugging dhcp server all
*0.263828 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
Checking for expired lease.
// Checking for an expired lease
*0.278312 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DHCPServer: Receive DHCPDISCOVER from 00e0.fc14.1601-Vlan-interface2
*0.278312 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_PACKET:
Rx, interface Vlan-interface1
Message type: request
Hardware type: 1, Hardware address length: 6
Hops: 1, Transaction ID: 4281385283
Seconds: 0, Broadcast flag: 0
Client IP address: Your IP address:
Server IP address: Relay agent IP address:
Client hardware address: 00e0-fc14-1601
Server host name: Not Configured, Boot file name: Not Configured
DHCP message type: DHCP Discover
// A DHCP-DISCOVER packet received
*0.278312 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DHCPServer: Sending ICMP ECHOREQUEST to target IP:
*0.278312 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DHCPServer: Assign Free Lease from global pool.
// Checking whether the IP address is in use using ICMP before assigning
it from the global address pool to the client.
*0.278406 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DHCPServer: ICMP ECHOREPLY received from Client IP
*0.278406 Sysname DHCPS/7/DHCPS_DEBUG_COMMON:
DHCPServer: Create timeout timer for ICMP.
Unable to generate Message-Type
without an analyzed packet!
Failed to generate a packet without a parsed packet
Too many options have been
Failed to generate a packet with too many options
Failed to cancel ICMP timer! Failed to cancel the timer for sending ICMP packets
Failed to add ICMP timer! Failed to add the timer for sending ICMP packets
Can not offer new IP without analyzed
Failed to offer IP lease without the parsed packet
Fault occurs in DHCP Sever time
The interval at which the DHCP server waits for
client’s response expires.
Table 140 Description on the fields of the debugging dhcp server error command
Field Description