
Companding laws are adopted to quantize signals unevenly for the purpose of
reducing noise and improving signal-to-noise ratio. Underpinning this approach
are the statistics about voice signals, which indicate that lower power signals are
more likely present than high power signals.
According to CCITT, when devices in two countries use different companding
schemes to communicate, the side using µ-law is responsible for converting
signals to A-law.
By default, the companding law for VE1 interfaces is A-law, while that for VT1
interfaces is µ-law.
Example # Adopt µ-law companding for signal quantization.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] voice-setup
[Sysname-voice] subscirber-line1/0:0
[Sysname-voice-line1/0:0] pcm u-law
Syntax pri-set [ timeslot-list range ]
undo pri-set
View E1/T1 interface view
Parameter range: Specifies timeslots to be bound. Timeslots are numbered 1 through 31 on
an E1 interface and 1 to 24 on a T1 interface. You may specify a single timeslot by
specifying a number, a range of timeslots by specifying a range in the form of
number1-number2, or several discrete timeslots by specifying number1,
number2-number3. When the range argument is not specified, only TS15 is
Description Use the
pri-set command to bind timeslots on an E1 or T1 interface into a PRI set.
Use the
undo pri-set command to remove the timeslot binding.
By default, no PRI set is created.
When creating a PRI set on a CE1/PRI interface, note the following:
TS0 is used for frame synchronization control (FSC), TS16 as a D channel for
signaling transmission, and other timeslots as B channels for data transmission.
You may bind the timeslots except for timeslot 0 into a PRI set (as the D
channel, timeslot 16 is automatically bundled). This PRI set is logically
equivalent to an ISDN PRI interface in the form of 30B + D. If no timeslot is
specified, all timeslots except for TS0 are bound into an interface similar to an
ISDN PRI interface in the form of 30B+D.
For the created PRI set, the system automatically creates a serial interface
named serial number:15.