destination ip
Syntax destination ip ip-address
undo destination ip
View DLSw/FTP/HTTP/ICMP-echo/SNMP/TCP/UDP-echo/UDP-jitter test type view
Parameter ip-address: Destination IP address of a test operation.
Description Use the
destination ip command to configure a destination IP address for a test
Use the
undo destination ip command to remove the configured destination IP
By default, no destination IP address is configured for a test operation.
Example # Configure the destination IP address of an ICMP-echo test operation as
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type icmp-echo
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-icmp-echo] destination ip
destination port
Syntax destination port port-number
undo destination port
View TCP/UDP-echo/UDP-jitter test type view
Parameter port-number: Destination port number of a test operation, in the range 1 to
Description Use the
destination port command to configure a destination port number for
a test operation.
Use the
undo destination port command to remove the configured destination
port number.
By default, no destination port number is configured for a test operation.
Note that you are not recommended to perform a TCP, UDP-echo, or UDP-jitter
test on ports from 1 to 1023 (known ports). Otherwise, the NQA test will fail or
the corresponding services of this port will be unavailable.
Example # Configure the destination port number of a test operation as 9000.