Related command: configure-user count.
Example # Display the users entering system view at the same time.
<Sysname> display configure-user
Idx UI Delay Type Userlevel
+ 178 VTY 0 01:10:16 TEL 3
+ 179 VTY 1 00:00:00 TEL 3
Following are more details.
VTY 0 :
VTY 1 :
+ : User-interface is active.
F : User-interface is active and work in async mode.
display current-configuration
Syntax display current-configuration [[configuration [ configuration ] | controller |
interface [ interface-type ] [ interface-number ]] [by-linenum ] [ | { begin | include |
exclude } text ]]
View Any view
Parameter configuration [ configuration ]: Specifies to display non-interface configuration.
If no parameter is used, all the non-interface configuration is displayed; if
parameters are used, display the specified information. For example:
■ isis: Displays the isis configuration.
■ isp: Displays the ISP configuration.
■ post-system: Displays the post-system configuration.
■ radius-template: Displays the Radius template configuration.
■ system: Displays the system configuration.
■ user-interface: Displays the user interface configuration.
controller: Displays the controller configuration (For example CE1/PRI interface.
Refer to “display controller e1” on page 205.).
interface [ interface-type ] [ interface-number ]: Displays the interface
configuration, where interface-type indicates the interface type and
interface-number indicates the interface number.
by-linenum: Specifies to display the number of each line.
|: Specifies to use regular expression to filter the configuration of display device.
■ begin: Displays the configuration beginning with the specified text.
■ include: Displays the configuration including the specified text.
■ exclude: Displays the configuration excluding the specified text.