The debugging bgp event command is used to enable BGP event debugging,
which is mainly related to events triggering the BGP state machine transitions.
After this debugging is enabled, information about all the BGP state machine
transitions and the events triggering these transitions will be displayed. If no BGP
peer relationship can be established, you can enable this debugging to locate the
fault. Enabling debugging may affect system performance; therefore, use this
command only when necessary and disable debugging once the debugging
operation is complete.
By default, BGP event debugging is disabled.
Examples # Enable BGP event debugging when a BGP peer relationship is being established.
<Sysname> debugging bgp event
*Aug 24 14:12:13:674 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: Current event is CRTimerExpired.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:674 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from ACTIVE to CONNECT.
*Aug 24 14:12:14:690 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from CONNECT to ACTIVE.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:706 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from ACTIVE to OPENSENT.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:706 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: Current event is ReceiveOpenMessage.
// BGP received an OPEN message.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:706 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from OPENSENT to OPENCONFIRM.
// The state has changed from OPENSENT to OPENCONFIRM.
%Aug 24 14:12:13:728 2006 Sysname RM/3/RMLOG:
BGP.: State is changed from OPENCONFIRM to ESTABLISHED.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:728 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: Current event is RecvKeepAliveMessage.
*Aug 24 14:12:13:728 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: State is changed from OPENCONFIRM to ESTABLISHED.
*Aug 24 14:12:44:696 2006 Sysname RM/6/RMDEBUG:
BGP.: Current event is RecvUpdateMessage.
// BGP has received an UPDATE message.
debugging bgp graceful-restart
Syntax debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] graceful-restart
undo debugging bgp [ ipv4-address | ipv6-address ] graceful-restart
Table 225 Description on the fields of the debugging bgp event command
Field Description
Current event is Eventname Name of the current event