
TxPower(dBm): 9.50
Power Backoff: enable
Power Backoff Level: 5
Tip/Ring Reversal: Reversed
FrmOH Stat: 0x00
Rmt EncoderA:0x0000016e
Rmt EncoderB:0x00000331
Rmt NSF Cusdata : 0x0000
Rmt NSF CusID : 0x0000
Rmt Country Code : 0x00b5
Rmt Provider Code: GSPN
Rmt Vendor Data: 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
Table 2 Description on the fields of the display dsl status command
Field Description
Operating Mode CPE or CO
DSL Mode Annex standard used on the interface: Annex A or Annex
Configured Wire Type Configured wire mode of the interface: two-wire or
Line A Statistics since last
Statistics about wire-pair A from the time of initiating to
CRC Count of CRC errors
LOSW Defect Count of loss of synchronization word defects
ES Error second, count of errors per second
SES Severely error second, count of severe errors per second
UAS Unavailable second, count of one-second intervals for
which the G.SHDSL line is unavailable
TX EOC Count of transmitted EOC cells
RX EOC Count of received EOC cells
Line A status State of wire-pair A
Xcvr Op State: Data Mode Operating state of the receiver
Last Fail Op State Operating state of the receiver when the last negotiation
Frame Sync State of frame synchronization
Line Rate(Kbps) Negotiated wire-pair speed
Wire Type Wire type: four-wire, or two-wire
SNR Margin(dB) Margin to SNR
Loop Attenuation(dB) Loop attenuation
RecvGain(dB) Receive gain
TxPower(dBm) Transmit power
Power Backoff State of power compensation
Power Backoff Level Level of power compensation
Tip/Ring Reversal State of Tip/Ring reverse
FrmOH Stat Frame outflow state
Rmt Encoder A Encoding coefficient A
Rmt Encoder B Encoding coefficient B
Rmt NSF Cusdata Remote NSF user data
Rmt NSF CusID Remote NSF user ID
Rmt Country Code Remote country code