Description Use the tcp command to configure TCP parameters, including receive buffer size,
send buffer size, no delay, keepalive interval, and number of keepalives to be sent.
Use the
undo tcp command to restore the default TCP settings.
By default, receive buffer size is 2,048 bytes, send buffer size is 2,048 bytes, delay
is enabled, keepalive interval is 50 seconds, and the number of keepalives is 3.
If you specify the nodelay keyword, the TCP Nagle algorithm will not be used.
Note that the newly configured TCP parameters take effect only after the
connection is reestablished.
Example # Set the TCP receive buffer size to 512 bytes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] tcp recvbuf-size 512
# Set the TCP send buffer size to 512 bytes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] tcp sendbuf-size 512
# Disable TCP delay.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] tcp nodelay
# Set the TCP keepalive interval to 1,800 seconds and the number of keepalives to
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rta template abc
[Sysname-rta-template-abc] tcp keepalive 1800 2
Syntax testkey ascii-code&<1-3>
undo testkey
View Terminal template view
Parameters ascii-code&<1-3>: ASCII value of the hotkey, ranging 1 to 255. “&<1-3>” means
that you can provide up to three ASCII values.
Description Use the
testkey command to configure the terminal connectivity test hotkey.
Use the
undo testkey command to cancel the hotkey configured.