
The license information varies with device models.
display isis lsdb
Syntax display isis lsdb [[l1 | l2 | level-1 | level-2 ] | [ lsp-id LSPID | lsp-name lspname ] |
local | verbose ] * [ process-id | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
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Parameters l1, level-1: Specifies level-1 LSDB.
l2, level-2: Specifies level-2 LSDB.
LSPID: LSP ID, in the form of sysid. Pseudo ID-fragment num.
lspname: LSP name, in the form of Symbolic name.[Pseudo ID]-fragment num.
local: Displays LSP information generated locally.
verbose: Displays LSDB detailed information.
process-id: IS-IS process ID, in the range of 1 to 65535.
vpn-instance-name: Specifies a VPN instance name, a string of 1 to 31 characters.
Table 236 Description on the fields of the display isis license command
Field Description
ISIS Shell License Values License values of ISIS shell
Feature Name Feature name
Active Whether the state is active.
Controllable Whether support reading configuration through License
ISIS Protocol IS-IS Protocol
IPV6 Whether IPv6 is active or not.
RESTART Graceful Restart (GR)
TE Traffic Engineering
MI Multi-instance
Resource Name Resource name
MinVal Minimum value
MaxVal Maximum value
CurrVal Current value
ISIS Core License Values License values of ISIS Core
Max Processes Resource Maximum number of processes supported
Max Paths Resource Maximum equal cost paths
Max IPv4 Rt Resource Maximum IPv4 routes supported
Max IPv6 Rt Resource Maximum IPv6 routes supported