If the protocol argument is set to ICMPv6, you may define the parameters in the
following table.
The following table provides the ICMPv6 messages that you can specify in
advanced IPv6 ACL rules.
Table 552 TCP/UDP-specific match criteria for advanced IPv6 ACL rules
Parameter Function Description
operator port1
[ port2 ]
Defines the source
port in the UDP/TCP
The operator argument can be lt (lower than),
gt (greater than), eq (equal to), or range
(inclusive range).
The port1 and port2 arguments each specify a
TCP or UDP port, represented by a number in
the range 0 to 65535. TCP port number can
be represented in words as follows:
chargen (19), bgp (179), cmd (514), daytime
(13), discard (9), domain (53), echo (7), exec
(512), finger (79), ftp (21), ftp-data (20),
gopher (70), hostname (101), irc (194),
klogin (543), kshell (544), login (513), lpd
(515), nntp (119), pop2 (109), pop3 (110),
smtp (25), sunrpc (111), tacacs (49), talk
(517), telnet (23), time (37), uucp (540),
whois (43), or www (80).
UDP port number can be represented in words
as follows: biff (512), bootpc (68), bootps
(67), discard (9), dns (53), dnsix (90), echo
mobilip-ag (434), mobilip-mn (435),
nameserver (42), netbios-dgm (138),
netbios-ns (137), netbios-ssn (139), ntp
(123), rip (520), snmp (161), snmptrap (162),
sunrpc (111), syslog (514), tacacs-ds (65),
talk (517), tftp (69), time (37), who (513),
xdmcp (177).
operator port1
[ port2 ]
Defines the
destination port in the
UDP/TCP packet.
Table 553 ICMPv6-specific match criteria for advanced IPv6 ACL rules
Parameter Function Description
{ icmpv6-type
icmpv6-code |
icmpv6-message }
Specifies the
message type
and code
The icmpv6-type argument ranges from 0 to 255.
The icmpv6-code argument ranges from 0 to 255.
The icmpv6-message argument specifies a message
name. For available ICMPv6 messages, see Table 553
Table 554 Available ICMPv6 messages
ICMPv6 message Type Code
redirect 137 0
echo-request 128 0
echo-reply 129 0
err-Header-field 4 0
frag-time-exceeded 3 1
hop-limit-exceeded 3 0
host-admin-prohib 1 1
host-unreachable 1 3