Related command: c-bsr group, c-bsr hash-length (PIM view), and c-bsr priority (PIM view).
Example # Configure the router to be a C-BSR for the global scope zone in the public
instance, with the priority of 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] pim
[Sysname-pim] c-bsr global priority 1
c-bsr group
Syntax c-bsr group group-address { mask | mask-length } [ hash-length hash-length |
priority priority ] *
undo c-bsr group group-address
View Public instance PIM view, VPN instance PIM view
Parameter group-address: Multicast group address, in the range of to
mask: Mask of the multicast group address.
mask-length: Mask length of the multicast group address, in the range of 8 to 32.
hash-length: Hash mask length for RP selection calculation in the BSR admin-scope
region corresponding to the specified multicast group, in the range of 0 to 32. If
you do not include this keyword in your command, the corresponding global
setting will be used.
priority: Priority of the C-BSR in the BSR admin-scope region corresponding to a
multicast group, in the range of 0 to 255. If you do not include this keyword in
your command, the corresponding global setting will be used. A larger value of
this argument means a higher priority.
Description Use the
c-bsr group command to configure a C-BSR for the BSR admin-scope
region associated with the specified group.
Use the
undo c-bsr group command to remove the C-BSR configuration for the
BSR admin-scope region associated with the specified group.
By default, no C-BSRs are configured for BSR admin-scope regions.
Related command: c-bsr global, c-bsr admin-scope, c-bsr hash-length (PIM view), and c-bsr
priority (PIM view).
Example # In the public instance configure the router to be a C-BSR in the BSR admin-scope
region associated with the multicast group address, with the priority
of 10.