
retry stop-accounting (RADIUS scheme view)
Syntax retry stop-accounting retry-times
undo retry stop-accounting
View RADIUS scheme view
Parameter retry-times: Maximum number of stop-accounting request transmission attempts.
It ranges from 10 to 65,535 and defaults to 500.
Description Use the
retry stop-accounting command to set the maximum number of
stop-accounting request transmission attempts.
Use the
undo retry stop-accounting command to restore the default.
Suppose that the RADIUS server response timeout period is 3 seconds (set with
the timer response-timeout command), the timeout retransmission attempts
is 5 (set with the retry command), and the maximum number of
stop-accounting request transmission attempts is 20 (set with the retry
stop-accounting command). This means that for each stop-accounting
request, if the device receives no response within 3 seconds, it will initiate a
new request. If still no responses are received within 5 renewed requests, the
stop-accounting request is deemed unsuccessful. Then the device will
temporarily store the request in the device and resend a request and repeat the
whole process described above. Only when 20 consecutive attempts fail will
the device discard the request.
Related command: reset stop-accounting-buffer, radius scheme, display
Example # Set the maximum number of stop-accounting request transmission attempts to
1,000 for RADIUS scheme radius1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] radius scheme radius1
[Sysname-radius-radius1] retry stop-accounting 1000
secondary accounting (RADIUS scheme view)
Syntax secondary accounting ip-address [ port-number ]
undo secondary accounting
View RADIUS scheme view
Parameter ip-address: IP address of the secondary accounting server, in dotted decimal
notation. The default is