E1- and T1-related commands are available for the CPOS (E) interface modules
Syntax clock { master | slave }
undo clock
View CPOS interface view
Parameter master: Sets the clock mode of the CPOS interface to master.
slave: Sets the clock mode of the CPOS interface to slave.
Description Use the
clock command to set the clock mode of the CPOS interface.
Use the undo clock command to restore the default, that is, slave.
When connected to a SONET/SDH device, the CPOS interface must use the slave
clock because the SONET/SDH network clock is more precise. When the interface
is directly connected to another CPOS interface with fiber-optic, you only need to
configure them with different clock modes.
Example # Set the clock mode of interface CPOS 1/0 to master.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] controller cpos 1/0
[Sysname-Cpos1/0] clock master
controller cpos
Syntax controller cpos cpos-number
View System view
Parameter cpos-number: CPOS interface number.
Description Use the
controller cpos command to enter CPOS interface view.