bsr-policy (IPv6 PIM view)
Syntax bsr-policy acl6-number
undo bsr-policy
View IPv6 PIM view
Parameter acl6-number: Basic IPv6 ACL number, in the range of 2000 to 2999. When an IPv6
ACL is defined, the source keyword in the rule command specifies a legal BSR
source IPv6 address range.
Description Use the
bsr-policy command to configure a legal BSR address range to guard
against BSR spoofing.
Use the
undo bsr-policy command to remove the restriction of the BSR address
By default, there are no restrictions on the BSR address range, namely all the
received BSR messages are regarded to be valid.
Example # Configure a legal BSR address range so that only routers on the segment
2001::2/64 can become the BSR.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] acl ipv6 number 2000
[Sysname-acl6-basic-2000] rule permit source 2001::2 64
[Sysname-acl6-basic-2000] quit
[Sysname] pim ipv6
[Sysname-pim6] bsr-policy 2000
c-bsr (IPv6 PIM view)
Syntax c-bsr ipv6-address [ hash-length [ priority ]]
undo c-bsr
View IPv6 PIM view
Parameter ipv6-address: IPv6 address of the interface that is to act as a C-BSR.