
Examples # Enable the sending of SNMP traps for all OSPF processes.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] snmp-agent trap enable ospf
Syntax spf-schedule-interval maximum-interval [ minimum-interval [ incremental-interval ]]
undo spf-schedule-interval
View OSPF view
Parameters maximum-interval: Maximum SPF calculation interval in seconds, in the range 1 to
minimum-interval: Minimum SPF calculation interval in milliseconds, in the range
10 to 60000, which defaults to 0.
incremental-interval: Incremental value for increasing SPF calculation interval in
milliseconds, in the range 10 to 60000, which defaults to 5000.
Description Use the spf-schedule-interval command to set the OSPF SPF calculation
Use the
undo spf-schedule-interval command to restore the default.
The interval defaults to 5 seconds.
Based on its LSDB, an OSPF router calculates the shortest path tree with itself
being the root, and uses it to determine the next hop to a destination. Through
adjusting SPF calculation interval, you can protect bandwidth and router resources
from being over-consumed due to frequent network changes.
With this command configured, when network changes are not frequent, SPF
calculation applies at the minimum-interval. If network changes become frequent,
the SPF calculation interval is incremented by the incremental-interval each time a
calculation happens, up to the maximum-interval.
Examples # Configure the SPF calculation maximum interval as 10 seconds, minimum
interval as 500 milliseconds and incremental interval as 200 milliseconds.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] ospf 100
[Sysname-ospf-100] spf-schedule-interval 10 500 200
stub (OSPF area view)
Syntax stub [ no-summary ]
undo stub