Parameter interface-type { interface-number | interface-number.subnumber }: Specifies an
interface by its type and number. The interface-number argument is a main
interface number. The subnumber argument is a subinterface number, in the
range 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
display fr interface command to display information about the
specified or all frame relay interfaces.
You can specify a main interface or a subinterface by providing the interface-type
{ interface-number | interface-number.subnumber } argument combination.
Example # Display information about all frame relay interfaces.
<Sysname> display fr interface
Serial2/0, multi-point, protocol up
Serial2/0.1, point-to-point, protocol down
display fr lmi-info
Syntax display fr lmi-info [ interface interface-type interface-number ]
View Any view
Parameter interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and
Description Use the
display fr lmi-info command to display the statistics of LMI protocol
The LMI protocol maintains current frame relay link by sending status enquiry
packets and status packets. The displayed information helps you diagnose faults.
Example # Display the statistics about LMI protocol frames.
<Sysname> display fr lmi-info
Frame relay LMI statistics for interface Serial2/1 (DTE, Q933)
T391DTE = 10 (hold timer 10)
N391DTE = 6, N392DTE = 3, N393DTE = 4
out status enquiry = 96, in status = 85
status timeout = 3, discarded messages = 3
Frame relay LMI statistics for interface Serial2/0 (DCE, Q933)
T392DCE = 15, N392DCE = 3, N393DCE = 4
in status enquiry = 0, out status = 0
status enquiry timeout = 0, discarded messages = 0
Table 42 Description on the fields of the display fr interface command
Field Description
Serial2/0, multi-point, protocol up Frame relay interface, its type and link layer state
Serial2/0.1, point-to-point, protocol
Subinterface, its type and link layer state