undo mirroring-group { groupid | local }
View System view
Parameter groupid: Port mirroring group number. The value range is 1 to 5 for MSR 20 and
BSR 30 series routers and 1 to 10 for MSR 50 series routers.
local: Creates a local port mirroring group/removes all local port mirroring groups.
Description Use the
mirroring-group command to create a port mirroring group.
Use the undo mirroring-group command to remove the specified port
mirroring group or all local port mirroring groups.
Example # Create a local port mirroring group numbered 1.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] mirroring-group 1 local
mirroring-group mirroring-port
Syntax mirroring-group groupid mirroring-port mirroring-port-list { both | inbound |
outbound }
undo mirroring-group groupid mirroring-port mirroring-port-list { both | inbound |
outbound }
View System view
Parameter groupid: Port mirroring group number. The value range is 1 to 5 for MSR 20 and
BSR 30 series routers and 1 to 10 for MSR 50 series routers.
mirroring-port-list: List of ports to be added to the port mirroring group. You can
specify multiple ports by providing this argument in the form of { interface-type
interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ] }&<1-8>, where the
interface-type argument is port type, the interface-number argument is the port
number, and &<1-8> means that you can provide up to eight port indexes/port
index lists for this argument.
both: Specifies to mirror both inbound and outbound packets.
inbound: Specifies to mirror inbound packets only.
outbound: Specifies to mirror outbound packets only.
Description Use the
mirroring-group mirroring-port command to add ports to a port
mirroring group as source ports.
Use the
undo mirroring-group mirroring-port command to remove source
ports from a port mirroring group.