Example # Enable the protection against Naptha attack.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] tcp anti-naptha enable
tcp mss
Syntax tcp mss value
undo tcp mss
View Interface view
Parameter value: Maximum size of a packet in bytes, ranging from 128 to 2,048.
Description Use the
tcp mss command to configure the maximum size of TCP packets.
Use the undo tcp mss command to restore the default.
By default, the maximum size of a TCP packet is 1460 bytes.
As the default MTU on an interface is 1500 bytes, and there are link layer cost and
IP packet head, so the recommended maximum size of TCP packets is about 1200
Example # Set the maximum size of TCP packets to 300 bytes on Ethernet1/0.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface ethernet 1/0
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0] tcp mss 300
tcp state
Syntax tcp state { closing | established | fin-wait-1 | fin-wait-2 | last-ack | syn-received }
connection-number number
undo tcp state { closing | established | fin-wait-1 | fin-wait-2 | last-ack |
syn-received } connection-number
View System view
Parameter closing: CLOSING state of a TCP connection.
established: ESTABLISHED state of a TCP connection.
fin-wait-1: FIN_WAIT_1 state of a TCP connection.
fin-wait-2: FIN_WAIT_2 state of a TCP connection.
last-ack: LAST_ACK state of a TCP connection.