
display snmp-agent sys-info
Syntax display snmp-agent sys-info [ contact | location | version ] *
View Any view
Parameter contact: Displays the contact information of the current network administrator.
location: Displays the location information of the current device.
version: Displays the version of the current SNMP agent.
Messages which were for an unsupported version Number of packets from a device with an
SNMP version that is not supported by the
current SNMP agent
Messages which used a SNMP community name
not known
Number of packets that use an unknown
community name
Messages which represented an illegal operation
for the community supplied
Number of packets with operations that
breach the access right of a community
ASN.1 or BER errors in the process of decoding Number of packets with ASN.1 or BER
errors in the process of decoding
Messages passed from the SNMP entity Number of packets sent by an SNMP Agent
SNMP PDUs which had badValue error-status Number of SNMP PDUs with a badValue
SNMP PDUs which had genErr error-status Number of SNMP PDUs with a genErr error
SNMP PDUs which had noSuchName error-status Number of PDUs with a noSuchName error
SNMP PDUs which had tooBig error-status
(Maximum packet size 1500)
Number of PDUs with a tooBig error (the
maximum packet size is 1,500 bytes)
MIB objects retrieved successfully Number of MIB objects that have been
successfully retrieved
MIB objects altered successfully Number of MIB objects that have been
successfully modified
GetRequest-PDU accepted and processed Number of get requests that have been
received and processed
GetNextRequest-PDU accepted and processed Number of getNext requests that have
been received and processed
GetBulkRequest-PDU accepted and processed Number of getBulk requests that have
been received and processed
GetResponse-PDU accepted and processed Number of get responses that have been
received and processed
SetRequest-PDU accepted and processed Number of set requests that have been
received and processed
Trap PDUs accepted and processed Number of Trap messages that have been
received and processed
Alternate Response Class PDUs dropped silently Number of dropped response packets
Forwarded Confirmed Class PDUs dropped
Number of forwarded packets that have
been dropped
Table 617 Descriptions on the fields of the display snmp-agent statistics command
Field Description