ppp mp mp-group
Syntax ppp mp mp-group number
undo ppp mp
View Interface view
Parameter number: MP-group interface number, in the range 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
ppp mp mp-group command to add the current interface to the
specified MP-group.
Use the
undo ppp mp mp-group command to remove the current interface
from the specified MP-group.
This command should be used along with the interface mp-group command.
With the two commands, you can create an MP-group interface first and then add
an interface to the MP-group. It does not matter if you reverse the two steps.
Note that only physical interfaces can be added to an MP group. Logical interfaces
such as Tunnel interfaces do not support this command.
Example # Add interface Serial 3/0 to MP-group 3.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] interface serial 3/0
[Sysname-Serial3/0] ppp mp mp-group 3
ppp mp user
Syntax ppp mp user username bind virtual-template number
undo ppp mp user username
View System view
Parameter username: User name, a string of 1 to 80 characters.
virtual-template number: Specifies a virtual-template. The number argument is
in the range of 0 to 1023.
Description Use the
ppp mp user command to bind an MP user to a virtual template.
Use the
undo ppp mp user command to remove the specified binding.
In establishing a PPP connection, after PPP authentication succeeds, if a
virtual-template is specified, MP will be bound based on the parameters of the
virtual-template and a new virtual interface will be formed to transfer data.